Boys & Girls Club of Cape Cod to host a toy giveaway December 15-18 from 9:00 a.m to 2:00 p.m. at 31 Frank E. Hicks Drive, Mashpee, MA 02649. Please make sure to wear a mask and bring bags for your gifts.
Food Pantry and Tribal Building Closed Temporarily Due to Covid-19 Spread
The Mashpee Wampanoag Food Pantry and Community and Government Center are under a temporary closure, potentially for one week due to precautionary measures including a deep cleaning. The continued rising positive Covid cases within the community and county have far surpassed the highest peaks that were experienced during the surge this past summer. All MWT Departments and services are still available, please call the departments direct extension.
FEMA Sees Mashpee as the Answer to the Covid Fight
FEMA just released a nation-wide press releasing urging Tribal Nations to follow the emergency response plan that was developed and implemented by the Tribe's Emergency Management Department. With a second wave of the fast spreading virus taking hold across the country, FEMA is looking for a plan of attack that can be replicated and sees Mashpee as the answer.
Tribe Mourns Loss of Jalajhia
It is with the deepest sorrows that we learned last evening that the body of our young missing tribal woman Jalajhia Finklea was located in Florida.
Details of her return home will follow in the days to come but right now our primary concern is for the comfort, needs, and privacy of her family.
Our very deepest condolences to the family of Jalajhia Finklea. We hold them in our prayers in this most sorrowful time. We must be here for them and one another.
Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
Message from Vice Chair Baird
There are two words in your language for the English word, ‘tribe’. These two words are our instructions; chupân8ôk, ‘Tribe’ it literally means the being set apart from others, being free. The other word is, Tahs88ôk, ‘tribe’ but literally to be counted among the collective. To be one collection of People.
The Mashpee Wampanoag are in fact, and have always been, a People created by Manut Creator free and separate from the world; a singular collective free to govern ourselves as we see fit and proper.
We are not a collection of mirror images of one another, however, and any one of us can lose our way. If we do, it is up to the collective Tahs88ôk, to ensure that the course is corrected and the way to free and fit government is opened.
Yearly HUD Indian Housing Plan (IHP)
The Mashpee Wampanoag Housing Department will present the 2021 HUD Indian Housing Plan (IHP) on November 19, 2020 at 5:30pm at the regularly scheduled Housing Commissioner’s Meeting. In order to participate in the meeting, please call the dial in # 978-990-5002, Dial In Access Code # 443734#.