This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the National Day of Mourning. To commemorate the event CNN’s Victor Blackwell sat down with tribal leaders from Mashpee and Aquinnah to understand what it is truly about.
Tribe Drafts Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan
The public comment period for the Tribe’s draft Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan will run through October 29, 2019. If there any comments, please email Craig Pereira from Horsley Witten directly at: and copy
MWT Recall Hearing/Election 9/15/2019 CANCELLED
General Membership Meeting on Sunday, May 19
Key House Committee Approves Mashpee Wampanoag Reservation Bill
On May 1 the House Natural Resources Committee moved H.R. 312, the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Reservation Reaffirmation Act, closer to becoming law by voting to move the bill forward out of that Committee. The Committee’s strong bi-partisan action follows a positive hearing on the bill only three weeks ago, and paves the way for consideration and passage by the House of Representatives.
“Today’s action by the House Natural Resources Committee provides an incredible lift for my people. The remarkable bipartisan support of the legislation has served to be a unifying force not only across Indian Country but across the United States of America.” said Chairman Cedric Cromwell.
ICWA Presents Prevention, Awareness and Wellness Celebration
The Indian Child Welfare Department, in collaboration with the Mashpee Wampanoag Indian Health Services Unit, the Department of Public Health, and tribal departments presents “A 2019 Prevention, Awareness and Wellness Celebration.” The month-long celebration features a series of events that kick off on April 19 and run through May 16 with the shared theme of “Healthy Minds to Protect Our Children and Maintain Tribal Connections.”