Wunee Keesuq Tribal Community,

I'm happy to share with our community and friends that we have started a project to beautify our reservation lands in Taunton. The clean-up and landscaping project will improve the overall safety conditions in the area and remove years of illegal dumping. While we did not contribute to the waste on our lands, we will once again step up as the original stewards to improve the health of the land and the water.

In conjunction with the beautification project, we will also open a new Welcome Center on our lands in Taunton. This project is something everyone - City of Taunton, residents and Tribal citizens - have asked for. It's a place to learn about our history, connect with our culture, and see what's next for our reservation. Our new Welcome Center is just the first of a series of steps towards realizing the First Light resort and entertainment project. This will be a place to preview the benefits of project First Light, and see what tribal stewardship of our land looks like. 

Chairman Weeden