Date Changed to September 17 and Only Being Held Over Zoom
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe will be hosting a public hearing for the planning of the 2022 Wââpuheâôk 477 Program on Friday, September 17 at 6:00 PM. The meeting will be held only through zoom video conference.
All members of federally recognized tribes that live in the Barnstable, Norfolk, Bristol, Plymouth and Suffolk Counties are invited to attend. The public meeting will provide staff with feedback and input on a proposed 3-year plan. Planned programming will include childcare for working parents of children ages 6 weeks through 12, employment and training for those 18 years and older, future economic development ideas and food distribution.
For additional information, please contact Marnell Cash at (508) 477-0208 x 161.
Meeting ID: 858 5409 2507 Passcode: 255798