Tribal families are invited to a special outreach event for National Recognition & Awareness Month. Special events will cover bullying, crime prevention, cybersecurity, and domestic violence. Activities will be held on the Powwow Grounds at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Community and Government Center.
Event Schedule
7:00 AM: Kuweeqahsun - Your' in the Light
- Morning Gathering
9:00 AM: CIRCLE Sessions & Resources
- Indian Health Services (IHS) - Cape Cod PATH
- Independence House - Tribal Victim Services
10:00 AM - Noon: DANCING for JUSTICE
- Eastern Suns
- Red Hawk Singers
Regalias welcome and bring your chair
Rain Date: Sunday, October 24
Sponsored by the MWT (OVC) Tribal Victim Services
(508) 477-0208 ext. 170 & ext. 184
Hotline: (508) 274-2432