At the June 9th MWT General Body Meeting the Mashpee Wampanoag Community Development Corporation (CDC) presented a comprehensive presentation that highlighted plans to initiate a Tribal Utility Project. Megan Amsler, of the Cape Cod and Islands Self Reliance Corporation, presented a site assessment of solar and wind power energy opportunities. The CDC is also working with Baker Tilly Consultants who are experts in corporate structure management. The CDC has recently been awarded our third grant, in the sum of $94,000 from the Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs, Division of Energy and Mineral Management that will fund the initial infrastructure of this project.
Mashpee Wampanoag Community Development Corporation Receives Grant for Micro-Grid Eco-Village and Tribal Utility Corporation
The Mashpee Wampanoag Community Development Corporation (MWCDC) received a second grant from the Division of Energy and Mineral Development (DEMD) through its Energy and Mineral Development Program. The MWCDC received notice this week that it had been selected to receive $94,000 to further develop the Tribal Utility Corporation and a first of its kind micro-grid eco-village.
Job Announcement: Contract Tribal Prosecutor
Scope: The Tribal Prosecutor represents the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe in Tribal Court in criminal prosecutions and civil code violations. The prosecutor reports to and is supervised by the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Council. The Prosecutor is to be the chief law enforcement officer of the Tribe and shall be responsible for all criminal investigations and prosecutions. And to Undertake all duties and functions otherwise authorized for the Tribal Prosecutor by Tribal law, or necessary and proper to the exercise of a duty or function authorized by Tribal law.
Dietitian at IHS Spearheads Community Garden
Thanks to the hard work of Mashpee Wampanoag Indian Health Services Dietitian Lesley McKeen, there is now a community garden located at the Mashpee Wampanoag Community and Government Center.
Lesley is very excited about growing healthy habits among the community with the new garden. “I’ve been working on developing a community garden for several months and we’re finally ready to plant,” said Lesley. “We’re now looking to schedule a planting day where everyone can come and plant a seed.”
Mark Harding Attends Native Economics Program at Harvard
This past May, the Mashpee Wampanoag Community Development Corporations President Mark Harding was invited to attend the Leading People and Investing to Build Sustainable Communities Program: A Harvard Business School Executive Education program developed for NAFOA, AFOA, and NCAI. This is a program for leaders, executive officers, senior administrators, and senior financial managers of tribal nations and Native organizations serving the needs of tribal communities and Native people.
Chyla Hendricks Joins Museum
Tribal Youth Saige Austin Excels in Fashion and Sports
When Saige Austin is not posing for the camera at one of the many photo shoots she’s done for a Levi’s advertisement, she’s kicking up some serious dirt at a USA Track & Field sanctioned competitions. Saige competes in the 7-8 year old category in a variety of track and relay events. She is the daughter of Tammy Pocknett Austin, the granddaughter of the late Ronnie Pocknett and great granddaughter of the late Freddie Pocknett. Keep an eye out for Saige at the Junior Olympics.
Bianca Soliz and Ray Haynes are Married
Congratulations to Bianca Soliz and Ray Haynes who joined hands in Marriage on, May 27th 2018. Bianca and Ray met in the fall of 2009 during their first semester at Trinity College in Hartford, CT. The two are going on their 7th year together and currently reside in Brooklyn, NY. Bianca is the Daughter of Fenton and Nancy Soliz, and the Granddaughter of the late Chester and Barbara Soliz. Best Wishes as the new Mr. and Mrs. Ray Haynes.