ICWA (Indian Child Welfare Act) Services
We finally have a voice to protect our children
Emergency Hotline: (774) 238-2152
Main Number: (508) 477-0208 Ext. 144
What is ICWA?
ICWA stands for Indian Child Welfare Act, which is a federal law passed in 1978. ICWA was passed in response to the high percentage of Indian families that were broken up by the removal, often unwarranted, of their children from them by non-tribal public and private agencies, and that an alarmingly high percentage of such children were placed in non-Indian foster and adoptive homes and institutions. In 1978 Congress passed the ICWA LAW to “protect the best interests of Indian children and to promote the stability and security of Indian Tribes and families.”
The Following Proceedings are Covered by ICWA
Foster Care Placements which shall mean any action removing and Indian child from his or her parent or Indian custodian for temporary placement in foster homes or institutions, or the home of a guardian or conservator where the parent of Indian custodian cannot have the child returned upon demand, but where parental rights have not been terminated.
Termination of Parental Rights which shall mean any action resulting in the termination of the parent-child relationship.
Pre-adoptive Placements in Homes or Institutions which shall mean the temporary placement of an Indian child in a foster home or institution after the termination of parental rights, but prior to, or in lieu of, adoptive placement.
Who Can Be a Foster Parent?
Anyone over the age of 21
Willing to be fingerprinted and have a criminal background check (done by state agencies)
Have a stable home and income
Maintain a drug-free invironment
Complete all required training and be licensed by the State
Cannot have substantiated abuse and/or neglect reports
Must have at least a 2 bedroom home and appropriate space for the child(ren).
Cannot have Pit bulls, Shepherds, or Rottweilers
ICWA SErvices Contacts
Email: Catherine.Hendricks@mwtribe-NSN.gov
Phone: 774-255-0119
Phone: 508-477-0208 Ext. 144
Email: Daniesha.Tobey-Richards@mwtribe-NSN.gov
Phone: (508) 477-0208 Ext. 181
Email: Cecila.King@mwtribe-NSN.gov
Phone: (508) 477-0208 Ext. 147
DEAN ROAN - ICWA Caseworker
Email: Dean.Roan@mwtribe-nsn.gov
Phone: (508) 477-0208 Ext. 146