Tribe Welcomes New Year and New Administration

While 2020 provided an abundance of obstacles for our Tribe – a pandemic, constant assault from the Trump Administration, and the removal of Tribal Council Chairman – 2021 is shaping up to be a polar opposite year with an abundance of opportunity for growth and stability of our sovereign rights.

Last month, we took the extraordinary step of announcing our support for an American president for the first time in our Tribe’s history. We decided to support President-Elect Joe Biden because of his longstanding belief that our rich history should be celebrated, our land protected, and our sovereignty—and the sovereignty of all tribal nations—be safeguarded from the abuse of discretion demonstrated by the Secretary of the Interior.

Vice Chair Shares Definition of Tribe in Our Language

Vice Chair Shares Definition of Tribe in Our Language

There are two words in your language for the English word, ‘tribe’. These two words are our instructions; chupân8ôk, ‘Tribe’ it literally means the being set apart from others, being free. The other word is, Tahs88ôk, ‘tribe’ but literally to be counted among the collective. To be one collection of People.

The Mashpee Wampanoag are in fact, and have always been, a People created by Manut Creator free and separate from the world; a singular collective free to govern ourselves as we see fit and proper.

Emergency Management Department Warns of Rising Covid Cases

The increased positive case numbers within the State and Barnstable County continue to rise dramatically. The MA Department of Public Health had reported a single week increase of over 16,000 cases within the State toward the end of November, bringing the states total of confirmed positive cases to over 207,000 and total confirmed and probable deaths to over 10,500.

A single day increase of over 130 positive confirmed cases was reported for Barnstable County toward the end of November as well, this is the highest single-day tally that Barnstable County has ever received. This brings the counties total number of confirmed and probable positive cases to over 2,800 with over 190 confirmed and probable deaths in the county as a result of COVID-19. The MWT Health Service Unit has also reported a slight increase in positive cases with a total of 27 positive cases and 1360 negative cases reported since March.

The GroovaLottos Spread Christmas Cheer with Music Video Premiere

XMAS MORNING is The GroovaLottos contribution to the original Christmas Song pantheon that brought us "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer" and "Walking 'Round In Women's Underwear."

Six years ago, Mwalim and The ZYG 808 (who was 11 at the time) wrote a song to slip into a Holiday Party sing-along, that was greeted with a mix of delight and slight-disgust by the party guests. It became a part of The GroovaLottos set for gigs taking place in the holiday season and has been released as a recording for the first time this year.

477 Program Provides Support for Career Services

The Work Force Investment Opportunities Act (WIOA) at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe is providing a wide range of services to support tribal members that are unemployed or underemployed prepare for a career change. With record unemployment and extended unemployment assistance from the state, now is actually a great time to build your skill set for a new career and WIOA has the support to make it happen.

Meagen Hendricks Inducted as Vice President of NAIWIC

Meagen R. Hendricks was inducted into the National Association of Woman in Construction (NAIWIC) as the Vice President of Rhode Island's, Chapter 52 on October 27, 2020. Meagen is a Construction Manager for Dunkin Brands, formally Dunkin Donuts. She manages all of the construction projects for the Rhode Island and Bristol County areas. She graduated from Roger Williams University School of Architecture in Rhode Island with a Masters in Architecture, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts. Meagen lives in Rhode Island with her Son Shayne and is the Daughter of Myron (Ricky) and Robyn Hendricks of Waquoit.

National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

As we segue from Novembers National Commemorations (Native American Heritage Month; Tie One on for Safety; & International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day), Decembers focus is Impaired Driving Prevention. Impaired Driving occurs when alcohol and other drugs are used in excess or incorrectly, and impairs driving by altering the brain’s ability to function. A driver commits the CRIME (of impaired driving) whenever his or her ability to safely operate a vehicle is affected by use of illegal drugs, prescription or over-the-counter medications, or by having a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 g/dl (grams per deciliter) or higher.

Massachusetts Laborers’ Apprentice Application Date is December 8

Massachusetts Laborers’ Apprentice applications dates have been announced. Individuals can fill out applications at the local union in Massachusetts between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. on December 8, 2020.

An apprenticeship with a local union is your first step towards a great career. It’s a job that will not be outsourced, it pays well, offers health benefits and a retirement plan. Most apprentices, regardless of experience, immediately begin to earn a wage while learning on-the-job and in the classroom. As your skills, knowledge and experience increase, so does your rate of pay.