2025 MWT Election — Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe

Official Election Results

579 ballots were cast in the 2025 General Election on Sunday, February 9th, 2025. The official election results are as follows:

Brian Weeden (i) - 315
Nelson Andrews Jr. - 254
Write in’s - 3

Vice Chair
Edwina “Winnie” Johnson-Graham - 277
Robyn Tobey - 44
Carlton Hendricks Jr. - 241
Write in’s - 5

Talia Landry - 222
Michelle “Shellie” Tobey - 191
Cassie Jackson - 159

Fenton N Soliz - 370
Aaron Tobey - 196
Write in’s - 4

Council Member
Donald Peters - 236
David Weeden - 300
Write in’s - 28

Election Notice to All Enrolled Tribal Members

The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Election Committee hereby notifies all enrolled Tribal Members that the regular election for the positions of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and one Tribal Councilor will be held on Sunday, February 9, 2025 (referred to as Election Day).

Eligibility to Vote: Enrolled Tribal Members who will be 18 years of age or older on or before Election Day are eligible to vote in the regular election. If you are not yet registered to vote, you must complete a Voter Registration Form in order to participate in the election.

A list of currently registered voters is posted at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Community & Government Center.

Voter Registration: The Voter Registration Form is available at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Community & Government Center, located at 483 Great Neck Road South, Mashpee, MA 02649, during regular business hours. All enrolled and eligible Tribal members may register to vote on or before Election Day.

Election Results: The results of the election will be posted on Sunday, February 9, 2025, at:

  1. The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Community & Government Center, 483 Great Neck Road South, Mashpee, MA 02649.

  2. The official Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe website.

Election Day Information

Date: Sunday, February 9, 2025

Election Positions:

  • Chairperson

  • Vice Chairperson

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • One (1) Tribal Councilor

Voting Hours:

  • Elders and Disabled Persons: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

  • All Tribal Members: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Community and Government Center Gymnasium
483 Great Neck Road South, Mashpee, MA 02649

Voting Requirements: Registered voters must present a federal, state, or Mashpee Tribal government-issued photo identification in order to cast their vote.
Masks are required for individuals who have not been vaccinated.

13 Candidates Certified for the 2025 General Election

Thirteen Candidates have been certified for the 2025 General Election. The candidates are as follows:

Nelson John Andrews Jr.
Brian Weeden (i)

Vice Chairperson
Edwina "Winnie" Johnson-Graham
Robyn Tobey
Carlton Hendricks Jr. (i)

Talia Landry
Michelle "Shellie" Tobey
Cassie Jackson (i)

Fenton N Soliz
Aaron Tobey Jr.

Council Seat
Donald Peters
David Weeden (i)

Candidate Biographies

Each of the 13 certified Candidates were invited to submit a 250 word or less biography, along with a headshot, to help the community better understand who they are and what their platform is. Their biographies are posted below in the order they will appear on the ballot.

Nelson Andrews Jr.

Nelson John Andrews Jr “Red Turtle” is a proud father of two sons and a member of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe where he serves as a Tribal Councilman, Youth Council Liaison and VP of the Community Development Corporation.  Nelson works for FEMA Region 1 as a Tribal Liaison and FEMA Integration Team Member while serving 10 tribes in the Northeast.  He also serves as a board member of the Mashpee Chamber of Commerce. Due to his expertise, he was recently deployed to Region 4 as the Tribal Liaison Officer to the Seminole Tribe of Florida during hurricane response/recovery.  He previously established the MWT Emergency Management Department, with grant & resource capacities worth millions of dollars while serving as the EM Director for 9 years. 

Nationally, Nelson has served as the Tribal Government Official on the FEMA National Advisory Council and Chairman of the United South & Eastern Tribes Homeland Security & Emergency Services Committee, with numerous resolutions submitted to Congress.  Nelson is a graduate of the National IMAT Academy and the 4th Tribal Representative to graduate from the National Emergency Management Advanced Academy.  He has assisted with the 2022-2026 FEMA National Tribal Strategy, FEMA Tribal Declarations Guidance and worked with FEMA HQ on establishing the Tribal Public Assistance Admin Plan. 

Nelson had a previous career as a FEMA Logistics Section Chief and a Branch Director on the National Incident Management Assistant Team.  He is also a professional artist, motocross racer, certified motorcycle/marine technician and national invitational speaker.

Brian Weeden (i)

Brian Weeden, Chairman of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and President of the Gaming Authority, has committed his life to public service and since his youth has served both his surrounding community and Tribal community. He has served as a delegate, representative, trustee and advisor to various national organizations such as, but not limited to, UNITY, NCAI, Tribal Leaders Summit and more.

In May 2021, Brian was elected the youngest Tribal Chairman and has worked diligently to bring stability and transparency back to the Tribal government while building cooperative relationships at the local, state and federal level. Chairman led the Tribe’s efforts to secure its reservation lands through the issuance of a new Record of Decision by the Department of Interior and ushered in a new era by using his energy, creativity and zeal to pursue critical initiatives on behalf of the community.

Brian’s priorities include, but are not limited to advancing economic development, land conservancy/water protection, youth engagement and cultural protection/awareness.

 Accomplishments & Leadership Roles

 2016 Osamequen Award

NCAIED “40 Under 40 Award”

UNITY Alumni of the Year 2022

USET Board of Directors

NCAI  1st Vice President

ACF TAC At-Large Member

Gaming Commission Certifications

Co-Chair Special Commission on State Flag and Seal- State of Massachusetts 2021

Harvard Business School Tribal Leadership Program

Dartmouth College Tribal Leadership Academy

Town of Mashpee School Committee

Brian lives in Mashpee with his fiancée Keturah Peters and son Epenow. For more information please email electweeden@gmail.com or scan the QR code to visit our website!

Edwina "Winnie" Johnson-Graham

Wuneekeesuk nuchupân8ok kah nutyhsh8ok (Good Day my tribe and my family), Nutusewees Winnie Oni Squa Johnson-Graham (My name is Winnie Blue Girl Johnson-Graham).

I come from a line of strong Mashpee Wampanoag. My mother and father are Linda Hendricks Johnson and Edward Buddy Johnson, my maternal Grandparents are Frances (Sister Cash) Hendricks and Lawrence Junie Hendricks. My maternal Great-Grandparents are Jessie & Eddie Cash. My maternal Great-Great Grandparents are Etta Pocknett and Willard Tobey. My mothers paternal Grandparents are Marion Peters and Myron Hendricks Sr. 

For the past 16 years I've had the honor of serving you as a Tribal Council member. In that time, I've listened to our people, listened to our Elders and Clan mothers, and have been an honest straightforward leader. I'll continue to do this if elected Vice-Chairwoman. 

My work for my tribe doesn't stop at Tribal Council, I have been volunteering for over 30 years. I have been on the language committee since 1995 with Jesse Little Doe to create the foundation to reclaim the Wôpanâak language and serve as the Chairwoman to the Indian Education Committee. We now have the Wôpanâak language in the Mashpee Public Schools. 

I also serve on 

  • Massachusetts Cultural Council 

  • Mashpee Inclusion and Diversity Committee 

  • Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition Board 

  • Commonwealth Health and Human Services Regional Board 

  • Violence Against Women Act Committee

I will continue to work hard for OUR Tribe and I am humbly asking for your vote for Tribal Vice-Chairwoman. Thank you for your time and consideration.   

Robyn Tobey

Often referred to as "Robyn's Resources" by her friends, colleagues and tribal family and, the strong voice of the people, Robyn Tobey Sweeting has dedicated 17 years of her life to her tribal community by developing, implementing and managing several key programs such as:

2008 - Elder's Outreach Coordinator- Emergency Preparedness Grant –distributed emergency backpacks for our tribal elder community.

2009 – I.H.S - Contract Health Services program (PRC) - First federal employee of the tribe

2016 - Continuum of Care Homeless Grant 

2022 - Homeless Task Force Team via contractual services of Robyn's Resources

2023 - Transitional Housing and Shelter program in collaboration with several community partners

I hold a degree in Health Information Management, Certified Mandated Reporter, Certified Medical Coder and Biller, SHINE Counselor, Social Worker Technician, Certified Tax Preparer, QPR Suicide Prevention, Certificate of Completion - Advanced Simplified Acquisition Procedures, Federal Acquisition Regulation, (FAR).

I’m a strong, compassionate, driven leader and have remained passionate about my beliefs which include the voices of our community, and I’m not afraid to ask for help. Everyone has something to contribute, council must engage all tribal members to reach our common goals: Sobriety, Housing, Economic and Spiritual development.

As the great-granddaughter of Etta Pocknett and Ellery Tobey, Sr. I will continue to advocate and be part of the driving force for our tribal community.

I am humbly asking for your vote on Sunday, February 9, 2025, to serve as the next Vice-Chair of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe.

Robyn "Roseblossom" Tobey Sweeting

Carlton Hendricks Jr. (i)

I am Carlton Hendricks Jr. and have proudly served as your Vice Chairman for the past four years. I am a dedicated leader and tribal advocate with a proven track record of securing vital resources and implementing transformative projects for the betterment of our community. Having held a tribal council seat for 10 years prior, I have extensive experience and commitment to fostering sustainable growth and enhancing the lives of tribal members. While fulfilling all duties entailed, I have also maintained the role of owner and operator of Hendricks Enterprises and Hendricks Trucking for the past 20 years.

As part of the commitment to sustainable practices, I led the HACCP Shellfish Project, successfully securing a $1.4 million federal grant to restart a shellfish farm, a significant initiative as it is built, manned, and maintained by tribal members fostering local employment and economic independence. Recognizing the need to address recovery services and homelessness, I initiated the Sober Home Living program and played a key role in helping establish a homeless shelter. Preserving our tribe's heritage for future generations drove me to be instrumental in securing $1.6 million in federal funding to restore the Parsonage, a historic landmark.

My commitment to the tribal community is evident in every initiative undertaken. With a focus on sustainable development, community support, and financial responsibility, I believe I am uniquely qualified and humbly ask for your vote for re-election on February 9th to serve as your Vice Chairman and lead our tribe towards a prosperous future.

Talia Landry

I am the Daughter of Diane Landry, Granddaughter of Donna Johnson and Great Granddaughter of Marjorie Hendricks and Milton “Mickey” Frye. I have a Bachelor  in Communications, Masters of business administration and pursuing my Juror doctorate part time. As an Advocate for indigenous youth and issues, I have continued to use my education and professional career to push our tribal initiatives further. I come from a strong cultural upbringing and have been highly involved within our community from a young age. I carry our traditional values andI believe in connecting our youth with elders for this knowledge.

After undergrad, I delved into working within our new government and operations from historic preservation, the vice chair’s office, to my recent position as grant manager for the education department. While I managed the Mashpee TV station I established our nation’s presence within the local community and focused on reporting and researching our present issues including land in trust, gaming, and authentic education of our history. As the tribes Community development corporation President, I have learned extensively on different tribal economic avenues and how to accomplish them.

I fight for land back, enforcing tribal sovereignty, protecting mother earth and all our natural relatives. I advocate around turtle island to harbor relationships to push our efforts nationally. If elected, I can offer these skills that can help continue to Unify our nation while creating a strong government infrastructure that supports our traditional values. I would be honored to serve as your MWT Secretary.


Michelle "Shellie" Tobey

I am Michelle “Shellie” Tobey, and I am running for tribal Secretary. I do not consider myself just a candidate, but as a tribal member who shares your hopes and dreams to build a brighter future for our tribe. As your previous Housing Director, my dedication and professional work ethics resulted in over $22 million dollars’ worth of services, our first housing development, and improved infrastructure.

My key priorities will be to preserve and promote the traditions that have shaped us for generations, advocate for financial Elder assistance programs to ensure our elders are supported with the resources they deserve, and to build a recreational park that will be a place for our children to grow, our elders to relax, and our community to bond. Our tribal employees are vital to the success of our community, and I will promote a work environment that offers fair compensation, benefits, and growth opportunities.

The Tribal Council will work best when it works for all tribal members. That is the kind of leadership I promise to bring to the table. Leadership that is accountable and responsive to the needs of tribal members. It is the love for our tribe and the spirit of our tribal community that ties us together. Together, we’ll move forward while staying true to who we are. With your support, we can honor our past, invest in our future, and create a thriving community for generations to come.

I humbly ask for your vote for Secretary.


Happy Dreams

Cassie Jackson (i)

My name is Cassie Jackson, Tribal Council and Gaming Authority Secretary. I am humbly asking for your vote to re-elect me in the upcoming 2025 Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal election.

It’s been an honor serving my people these past four years and I’m looking forward to serving another term to continue our journey. You elected me as your Secretary once because you had faith that I would uphold my oath and get the job done! I wholeheartedly believe I have proven my dedication and if re-elected I promise to do the same.

Our Tribe deserves continuity, our Tribe deserves experience,our Tribe deserves dignity and respect. We must continue this path forward to ensure your voice is heard,questions are answered and our Tribe is able to thrive. My motivation to serve another term is to finish what WE started, because being an elected official is a share of duties and I am proud to have been part of this team.

This administration has mobilized the Tribe and will continue to do so to increase financial stability, preserve our culture, fight to keep our members housed, educate our youth, provide for our elders,and ensure health and wellness for generations to come.

Accomplishments & continued priorities: Building & maintaining government-government relationships;Notary Public;Certified State Ethics Commission,appointed member of the National Community Health Aide Program Board;HHS Department Liaison;drafted Tribal annual report; acquired & administer congressional funding for the Parsonage, Childcare Center, Shellfish Farm&Del Sol; re-establishing the HHS Department,Tribal TANF,Tribal census,105 Leasing administrator,drafting & implementing fair policy. 

Fenton N Soliz

My name is Fenton Soliz, and I’m running to be the next Treasurer of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe to offer my skills, experience, and energy to help guide our Tribe’s financial future. Since founding my brokerage firm in 1986, I have four decades of banking and finance experience with top lending institutions, including Wells Fargo, Bank of America, The Federal Savings Bank, and now locally at Citizens Bank.

I am the son of Dr. Chester P. Soliz and Barbara B. Soliz, proud citizens of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe with a legacy of commitment to their people and homeland. Our family operated La Plaza Del Sol Motel on Route 130 in Mashpee for 42 years, where I learned the value of hard work, dedication, and community and that nothing is more important than giving back to the place that gave us so much.

I understand what it takes to manage large budgets, plan for long-term sustainability, and make thoughtful, responsible decisions to benefit an organization. But, more than that, I’ve learned the importance of collaboration, humility, and listening to those I serve.

After 45 years living in New York, I came home to Mashpee in 2023 because while I can live any place I’d like – I Choose Mashpee. And while I can work any place I’d like, I Choose our Tribe. Mashpee is where my heart is and my calling is to serve the tribe. My experience and background can help strengthen our financial foundation for future generations

Aaron Tobey Jr.

A Treasurer for the People: It’s Clean-Up Time!

My initial focus is to address trust-related issues such as financial mismanagement, lack of transparency, and insufficient accountability. Within the first 60 days, I will present a comprehensive plan detailing steps to safeguard resources, generate revenue, and reduce expenses, while ensuring transparency and accountability.

I will provide monthly updates with detailed cash flow statements and balance sheets, shared at General Membership Meetings, Community Meetings, and Tribal Council Meetings and on our tribal website. This will allow members to review, ask questions, and clearly understand our financial standing. Open dialogue and accessibility are essential to rebuilding trust and strengthening community involvement.

I propose more community meetings to address important topics like finance updates, property tax exemptions for Mashpee tribal homeowners, protecting marine species from offshore wind farms, and deciding whether the Police Chief should be elected or appointed.

The Treasurer's responsibilities include financial oversight, reporting, and serving as an officer of the Tribal Council and Gaming Authority. This role requires a thorough understanding of tribal finances, governance laws, and negotiation skills to effectively represent the community

With years of experience in tribal governance and a commitment to advocacy, I understand the importance of financial responsibility and transparency. My goal is to reduce financial burdens, enhance investment opportunities, and unite our community.

With your support and vote, we can build a government you can trust!

God Bless,

Donald Peters

DONALD PETERS for Tribal Council

I'm Donald Peters, a proud member of the Peters, Tobey, Pockett, and Sturgis families. As we all know, in Mashpee, when we talk about tribal families, we are the epitome of that because many of us are related on both sides! But I've also benefited from studying at Johnson and Wales University. There, I studied culinary arts and Hotel management.

I like to say that my education continued when I worked at the Flume. As the head chef, I learned a daily lesson about our indigenous food, how to make it properly, and the important role it plays in our daily lives and well-being. I have Chief Earl Mills Senior and Delscena Hendricks to thank for that.

Later, I became the director of nutritional services at an elder care facility and the kitchen manager of Cape Cod Hospital. I oversaw the budget and the production of meals and nutritional diets for over 300 patients.

Now, I oversee the Title VI tribal nutritional program. I truly enjoy it because I'm able to collaborate with Indian health services, oversee the direct caregiver program for patient care, and manage multiple grants, where I am responsible for budgets and grant management. As a member of the enrollment and housing committees, I have a full complement of experience in some of the most important elements of tribal governance. We need to do more and work harder to serve you. I plan to do both with your help and appreciate your support.

David Weeden (i)


Nâtus8wees David Weenaatainnini Weeden, N8tomâs Massipeee Wampanaak

For those that don’t know me, my name is David One Who Walks Alone Weeden, and a proud to be a part of Mashpee.

My recent work began with our Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe in 2015 as the Assistant Director/Deputy THPO for the Tribal Historic Preservation Office. In December 2019, I assumed the Director/THPO (Tribal Historic Preservation Officer) responsibilities for the Historic Preservation Department; which is extremely gratifying. 

I was raised in a traditional and culturally oriented family, grounded in Eastern Woodland/Wampanoag cultural beliefs and practices which guide daily responsibilities and decisions. I’m thankful for these traditional teaching, where these teachings are guiding principles in all that I do.

I’m a practical problem solver, negotiator, public speaker and eager to confront all systemic oppressions facing our Tribe and Ndn Country.

I give of my personal time; through civic service which includes sitting on the Town of Mashpee Select Board since 2019, Mashpee – Planning Board Member (2016 – 2019), Native American Representative on the Cape Cod Commission as an appointee to the County regulatory authority since 2016 and respectfully served as Tribal Councilman since 2017.

I have three children and eight grandchildren; which inspires my dedication and efforts for these future generations. I draw on accumulative life experiences as an effective Tribal Councilman, and my various roles bring unique perspectives to all discussions. I humbly ask for your insights, support, endorsement and vote in the coming Tribal Council election.